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Thronehammer [DE/UK] + Support: Dying Hydra

  • Spillestedet Stengade 18 Stengade København, 2200 Denmark (map)

OBS. Grundet sygdom hos Thronehammer er koncerten udskudt til d. 18 september, alle købte billetter vil gælde til den nye dato, ønsker du refusion kan du kontakte os på før d.01 februar. Dying Hydra vil dog stadig spille d. 15 januar og adgang er gratis, bagefter holder vi metal bingo hvor du kan vinde billetter til fremtidige koncerter på Stengade.

Det bliver storlået episk blanding af doom, stoner, heavy og death metal når Tysk/Britiske Thronehammer gæster Stengade!

Fang en early-bird (begrænset antal) til kun 105 kr indtil 8 september eller udsolgt!

The nine epic new movements on THRONEHAMMER’s “Kingslayer” culminate into the band’s most versatile material to date, with more metal energy than ever fueling the album, with their riff savagery fully on display in every track.

Unconcealed doom metal ethos meets destruction and impetuous devastation, reminiscent of Paradise Lost, Bathory, Slayer, Katatonia, Bolt Thrower, Amorphis, Candlemass, Celtic Frost to sprinkles of post-rock. All this can be discovered in THRONEHAMMER's new crushingly epic album “Kingslayer”.

The doom commando around singer Kat clearly develops further and can even top the predecessor “Incantation Rites”. The epic lyrics do the rest, also the vocals are one step more versatile than before. As a guest Daniel Kaufman (ex Mindrot, ex Dystopia, ex Eyes of Fire, Destroy Judas) joins the band on vocals for the song “Sacrosanct Grounds”.

A massive sound that leaves no questions unanswered contributes its part. The album was mastered by Patrick Engel / Temple Of Disharmony (Asphyx, Candlemass, Darkthrone,Tiamat, Dissection, Trouble, Slayer).

Shades of various genres can be found on the overlong “Kingslayer” and yet every track is clearly a THRONEHAMMER track.

+ Support: Dying Hydra
Dying Hydra is a three-headed mammoth of sludge and heavy, arisen from the undergrounds of Copenhagen.

This beyond-heavy and intense trio has set out to paralyze the hordes with their distorted and immensely dirty soundscapes supported by mesmerizing visuals that swallows even reality itself.

Together they unfold a devastating wall of heavy music, that will swallow you whole.

Dying Hydra was formed in Copenhagen early 2018 by Lars Pontoppidan (guitar/vocals), Patrick Fragtrup (guitar/vocals) and Tejs Kyhl (drums). The members of the band have extensive experience on the Danish underground metal scene where they roamed together in a now defunct band.

Upon playing together, as a trio with no bass but instead with octave pedals added for low end, the trio’s efforts spawned a new vigor and inspiration materializing in what has now become the band’s own unik heavy, atmospheric and sludgy sound.

Despite the relatively short period of existence, the band has already managed to play with bands like Bongripper (US) Hatesphere (DK), Orm (DK), Alkymist (DK) and Primitive Man (US) -as well as they have played many underground gigs around the nation.
Entry: limited amount of early bird ticket on sale until the 8th of September for only 105 kr / normal pre-sale 125 kr / 145 kr at the door!

Earlier Event: September 16
Zzzahara [US]
Later Event: November 19
Jacob Aksglæde