Sådan så spillestedet ud i ‘gamle dage’

A picture from the old days of Stengade 30 as it used to be called before re-opening as Spillestedet Stengade.


Unfortunately, we do not have easy access or restroom facilities for wheelchair users. However, it is possible to be carried up the stairs if you have a couple of strong friends with you. If you don't have that option, we would like to help. If you need to have a personal assistant with you for the concert, we can also accommodate this. Please write to info@stengade.dk well in advance, and no later than one week before the event, and we will do everything we can to arrange for a couple of our volunteers who can assist with carrying.

TEch Specs

Download our technical specifications HERE.

The Office Team At Stengade


William Smith, House technician & sound engineer

Daníel Sigurðarson, Booking & PR

Anna Dunker, Operations Manager

All inquiries regarding finances should be directed to bogholderi@stengade.dk

CVR/VAT : DK33004869

All other inquiries: info@stengade.dk


BOard of Directors

The association Spillestedet Stengade has appointed a board to oversee the interests of the venue. The board is responsible for fulfilling the association's objectives and serves as the employing authority for the daily management of Spillestedet Stengade.

The current board, elected at the general assembly in April 2024, consists of the following members:

Jesper Møller (Chair)
Kamilla Haugaard
Mads Taudal Nyeng (Treasurer)
Karen Sofie 
Jakob Kragesand
Jonas Kleis (Vice-Chair)
Martina Köhn
Carina Jepsen (Suppleant)


You can review the association's statutes in effect as of the general assembly in April 2024 here.
Become a member of Foreningen Spillestedet Stengade by contacting bestyrelsen@stengade.dk

Contact Us

If you have lost your jacket or need to get in touch with the office, or for any other inquiries, please feel free to write to us. We strive to respond to all inquiries as quickly as possible, but it may take a bit longer during busy periods.



Spillestedet Stengade
Stengade 18
2200 København N.
Phone: +45 3535 5069
CVR/VAT: DK33004869