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Gutalax [CZ] + Support: Genocide Doctrine + RazorRape [SE] // Sold Out

  • Spillestedet Stengade 18 Stengade København, 2200 Denmark (map)

Gutalax besøger Danmark for første gang når de besøger Stengade til marts med deres goregrind rock n' roll lort! Support bliver danske Genocide Doctrine + svenske RazorRape.

The Czechs know how to spice up grind 'n' roll with a phat stage production. Of course, the cracking Grindcore of the guys is also convincing, but we know the game: This kind of music only becomes really entertaining when something is offered on stage. This is the case with GUTALAX. So the following applies: give up your brain, sip a few or many fun drinks and march off to the GUTALAX show and have a hell of a lot of fun!

+ support: Genocide Doctrine + RazorRape
Genocide Doctrine spiller dødsgrind. Musikken skrives med ét mål; at pløje lytteren ned med misantropisk harme. Den nedstemte guitar spiller dissonante, powerakkord baserede riffs, trommerne hamres nådesløst i høje tempi, bassen supporter rytmesektionen mens de tre vokalstemmer leveres så aggressivt, som menneskeligt muligt.

Genocide Doctrine udgav deres selvtitlede EP i 2022 ("En lynhurtig og bister krabat, der på 11 minutter slog fast med syvtommersøm, at Genocide Doctrine sagtens kan være med i genrens absolutte superliga"), som høstede en 9/10 anmeldelse og kåring som "Årets danske metalhåb" hos

Genocide Doctrine trækker inspiration fra Wormrot, Dead Instrument, Lock Up, Teeth, Ulcerate og Gorguts.


"Probably one of the craziest bands from the south of Sweden comes RazorRape from Malmø. This band has been around for a while and they are inviting you to a show filled with pig squeals, bulldozer riffs and sickening fun! Their latest album was released 2022 so prepare for gore grinding death metal party! "

Link to music!
Entry: 160 kr (excl. ticket fee) in pre-sale / 175 kr at the door.