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A Night of Terror!! Feat. Archangel + Left Hand Black [SE] + Motorsav + Afterparty: St. Digue

  • Spillestedet Stengade 18 Stengade København, 2200 Denmark (map)

D. 21 oktober 2023 tager vi forskud på Halloween-løjerne når Stengade og Nightcrawler Management sammen præsenterer A Night of Terror!! (English below)

Stengade forvandles til den rene horror-hule, på en aften, hvor der præsenteres et hidsigt line up fra både den danske og svenske heavy/punk undergrund bestående af:

Archangel (DK) – Horror heavy/punk

Left Hand Black (SE) – Horror punk

Motorsav (DK) – Post punk

Efter endt shows vil fantastiske St. Digue tage over med et svedigt afterparty fuld af darkwave!

Glæd jer til en aften fuld af gys, gru og horror vibes og kommer man udklædt er det helt klart et stort plus!



On October 21st, 2023, we will get ahead of the Halloween pranks when Stengade and Nightcrawler Management together present A Night of Terror!!

Stengade transforms into a pure horror cave, on an evening where a fierce line up from both the Danish and Swedish heavy/punk underground is presented, consisting of:

Archangel (DK) – Horror heavy/punk

Left Hand Black (SE) – Horror punk

Motorsav (DK) – Post punk

After the shows, amazing St.Digue will take over with a sweaty after-party full of darkwave!

Look forward to an evening full of dread, shiver and horror vibes, and if you come dressed up it's definitely a big plus!


Entry: 135 kr in pre-sale / 150 kr at the door! 
