Dear all members of Stengade. We here invite you to the yearly general assembly.
DATE: 23/04/2025
DOORS: 18:00
START: 18:30
LOCATION: Stengade (Retrograd upstairs)
1. The board's report for the past year/by the chairperson (Jesper M. and co.)
2. Submission of accounts with audit report for approval/by the treasurer. (Mads N)
3. Election of auditor
4. The decision on the disposition of any surplus/deficit.
5. Decision on notification of possible discharge to the board.
6. Adoption of the current budget for the coming financial year. (Mads N.)
7. Proposals received and voting thereof.
8. Articles of association - changes/suggestions and voting. 'Vedtægtsændringer'
9. Election of the board of directors
a. Election of Chair
b. Election of ordinary members
c. Election of substitutes
10. AoB
Do you have a subject to bring up under P.7 ‘Proposals received and voting thereof’, then please fill out this form
Deadline for submitting a subject: 8 days before the GA.
Note: Following our articles of association, the position as Chair is up for election this year, since our Chair/Jesper are re-applying as ordinary board member, and the 2-years of being the Chair is over.
If you want to run for the board, you must be or become a member and you must fill out a candidacy template and send it to no later then 8 days before the GA. Contact for more info on this matter.
Link to Candidacy Template, Power Of Attorney, info on board work & current Articles of Association here:
Download and fill out the template and send it as pdf to if you want to run for the board.
At the GA we’ll need:
1 x referent / a transcriber to make minutes of the general assembly
2 x vote-counters
Make sure that your membership is up to date and eligible for the assembly.
You can renew your membership on the day at Stengade, or via this link:
If you have any questions, please contact