Den kvindelige rock-duo, Frank’s White Canvas, har på meget få år fået et internationalt navn og en næsten legendarisk status i hjemlandet Chile! De gæster Stengade d.07 marts.
Obs. early-bird ticket on sale until 31st of January
Frank's White Canvas:
In 2018, they won a competition with 1000 participating acts to perform alongside Artic Monkeys and Pearl Jam at the Mad Cool Festival in Madrid! In 2022, they played support for mega-names such as Guns n Roses, Moonlight and KISS in Santiago! In November 2022, they released their debut album, “My Life, My Canvas”, which was recorded in London and produced by star producer Dimitri Tikovoï (Placebo, Charli XCX, Blondie), and received great reviews.
Karin Aguilera and Francisca Torés have as their basic idea to be able to be at eye level with the audience and come up with raw and strong messages. The white canvas in the group's name is a picture of life and how you paint your own story, even if you are hit by bad experiences and adversity along the way. Frank’s White Canvas has toured in several European countries, the USA, South America and won countless awards and competitions:
In recent years, Frank’s White Canvas has lived in Berlin and from that base has toured intensively in France and Germany and quite a few other countries. In 2025 they want to go to Denmark!
“Best Rock Artist” at Pulsar Awards 2021.
“Best Rock Album” at Radio Futuro,
“Rock Album of the Year” at Irock
Nominated for “Best Rock Album” at Musa Awards.
+ Support: Loksmith
Battering the drums and picking strings so that you feel the pulse in your chest and the bass in your feet - that’s live rock. Loksmith navigates the subgenres of rock with high energy and dark riffs.
Bring your best friend and your best smile when Loksmith mixes multiple inspirations in a tangle of guitar-arpeggios, rapid drums and a falsetto-vocal hysteria. Loksmith takes the audience back in time to the live-rock of the early 00’s, where listener and musician becomes one as the first chord is struck - they are not here to play for you, they are here to play with you. Expect the unexpected when the band simultaneously proves how wide rock is as a genre, and how adeptly they navigate it.
Recently, Loksmith released their debut album “Lanterns”, on which they experiment with a balance between fresh alt-metal and melancholic post-rock. The concert experiences the band create exude personality, and you feel exactly who Loksmith are and what they want with their music from the moment the first song is counted in.
+ Narrow:
NARROW – Alt-rock power-trio med storladen energi og melankolsk nerve
Den københavnske alt-rock power-trio Narrow er et navn på vej frem på den danske rockscene. Med en lyd, der kombinerer storslået energi, skrøbelig melankoli og teknisk finesse, skaber de musik, der trækker på 90’ernes rocknostalgi med et teatralsk twist og en moderne, episk kant.
Siden bandets start i 2021 har Victor (22, vokal, guitar, klaver), Frederik (24, bas) og Linus (21, trommer) spillet sig frem på den danske live-scene med koncerter over hele landet. Narrow laver musik, der både udforsker livets store spørgsmål og balancerer kontrasterne mellem det rå og det sårbare. Bandet arbejder i øjeblikket på deres debutalbum i samarbejde med producer Christian Alex Petersen (D-A-D, Mew, Møl).
Live er Narrow en intens oplevelse. Deres koncerter på VoxHall og Råhuset var udsolgt, og var det første band der fik publikum til at crowdsurfe på Drop Inn. Derudover har de haft muligheden for at stå på den store scene på Posten. Publikum kan forvente en energisk, teatralsk og nærværende koncertoplevelse, hvor musikken bevæger sig fra det eksplosive og dramatiske til den følelsesladede eftertænksomhed.
Entry: 105 kr (limited amount early-bird ticket on sale until 31st of January or until sold out) / 125 kr pre-sale / 145 kr at the door!