Vi åbner koncertåret 2024 på Stengade med en rigtig lækker indie folk aften hvor Berlin baserede amerikanske Hayfitz kommer og spiller sammen med Reveal Party og Mylder. Aftenen præsenteres i samarbejde med Queer Music Agency.
A self-proclaimed purveyor of 'gentle folk', Hayfitz crafts delicate songs about the most delicate of subjects. He has spent his early career practicing exercises in ultimate vulnerability, diving head first into microscopic memories and feelings.
Newly based in Berlin by-way-of Brooklyn, Hayfitz is eager to combine his love for music with his love of travel and looks forward to bringing his intimate performances to audiences across
Europe and the UK.
'Everything Else', his follow-up to the 2020 self-produced debut record, 'Capsules', will fifinally see the light of day this fall via Vienna-based label, Seayou Records. Continuing his love for organic DIY recording in idyllic locations, the new eleven song record will present a bolder version of his layered recording style, reflective of his new-found comfortabilityin his queer identity and desire to help connect with others who have struggled through a similar journey.
Reveal Party:
The deeply intimate and personal songwriting of Emily Holm Nyhuus is equal parts haunting and comforting. Haunting because she never hesitates to put her most brutal feelings into song. Comforting because it can feel reassuring if you’ve ever been to the same emotional places as she has been. Under the moniker Reveal Party she creates forceful indie rock songs, drawing upon singer/songwriter and Midwest Emo traditions.
She writes songs about existing in a chaos of complicated emotions, and how one might have to cut them off completely when they become too hard to handle. »Cut your feelings, like me« is the quiet advice given on the opening track from her debut EP ‘You Stole a Year of My Life’, that established Reveal Party as one of the strongest new acts on the Danish music scene and gained praise and attention from both Danish and international media.
Reveal Party writes songs about love and her life as a transwoman with a tongue-in-cheek, dark sarcasm. Inspirations range from midwest emo to uplifting pop songs and therefore Reveal Party embodies the sound of both melancholy and hope. The common thread remains the gut-wrenchingly honest lyrics, Emily’s trembling yet determined voice and the ubiquitous distorted guitars.
Reveal Party has received airplay on the Danish radio stations P6 Beat and P3 and been featured in large interviews with national media such as DR, Femina, Go’ Morgen Danmark, and Soundvenue. In 2021 she received the music prize at the Danish Rainbow Awards, and in 2022 she played the Rising Stage at Roskilde Festival.
In 2023 she released the last EP in her trilogy titled ‘You’re My Favorite Person’, which received a 5 star review from the Danish Music Magazine “Gaffa”.
Båndstøj, nostalgi efter gammel synth og selvaccept. Det er det som er Mylder. Hans indie/folk musik er præget af en lo-fi-æstetik, der skaber en rå og intim atmosfære, der giver lyttere mulighed for at føle, at de går en tur med noget gammelt. Også noget smukt.
Som queer menneske er Mylder bramfri i sin musik og kaster lys over personlige oplevelser og samfundsmæssige problemer. Han flytter lyriske grænser med poetisk kraft og udfordrer lyttere til at konfrontere deres overbevisninger. Han opfordrer lyttere til at omfavne deres ufuldkommenheder og blive mere skamløse over,
hvem de er. Denne ærlighed og sårbarhed bliver musisk manifesteret af Mylders lydmur, som er dekoreret med et folky og drømmende tapet.
I 2022 udgav Mylder en artikel i musikmagasinet Gaffa om de systemiske problemer med at være homoseksuel i musikbranchen.
Entry: 110 kr in pre-sale / 130 kr at the door!