Provokerende, autentisk, overdreven!
Sydafrikas vildeste alternative rockband på mission i Europa!
The SoapGirls:
The former Top Models from Cape Town are the world's hardest working band during the lockdown - 360 live streams of extremely wacky Rock'n'Roll shows, varied theme nights and deep black humor.
While in their adopted country South Africa partly civil war-like conditions prevailed, the livestream stage of their house garage served them as a refuge and creative impulse at the same time - Now it's time to be let loose on live audiences again!
A worldwide tour under the motto Don't Give A Damn Tour 2022 kicks off in Japan in mid-January, heading to Europe from April to mid-June, followed by a US Tour in July and another tour of Japan from August. Rock fans of all stripes can look forward to an extraordinary evening with one of the Hottest and wildest live bands in the genre.
As children, fearless siblings Camille and Noemie Debray roamed the streets of Cape Town as street performers for nine years, singing and selling homemade soaps to tourists to donate a portion of the proceeds to hospitals - earning the name "The SoapGirls" from the locals who gave the ever-so-familiar bubbly, nonchalant brats their name.
As teenagers, they stormed to No. 1 on the Album Charts in South Africa with Dance-Pop and their debut album. In the same year they placed all four single releases from the album into the Top Ten of the Singles Charts. Despite their youth, they quickly realized - Success comes at a price. The mechanisms and soulless marketing machinery of their major label Universal were abhorrent to them.
From then on, The SoapGirls decided not to compromise on their songs and live performance. They left the safe harbor of chart success, ended the cooperation with Universal, and followed their hearts. Their passion was and is Rock'n'Roll - from now on they celebrate lived freedom, permissiveness and authenticity paired with a provocative honesty that is unparalleled.
Social commitment and a good portion of Punk Attitude remain the basic attributes of the SoapGirls. After their style break, the musical cornerstones are Alternative Rock, Grunge and Glam paired with catchy melodies and choruses. Some skillful excursions into the Metal Genre round out their spectrum.
The SoapGirls catapult themselves into the 1st league of the Rock'n'Roll scene with their Live performance. The uncompromising attitude and the excessive, debauched live shows ultimately earn them the reputation of absolute Credibility and Authenticity. Consequently, they have made it to the Top Act at the biggest Punk and alternative Festivals such as "Rebellion" or "Camden Rocks" in the UK, among others.
+ Special Guest: A Mess
A Mess:
Der er noget på spil i soundtracket til de brølende 2020ere. Fra #metoodebat til musikkens alternative rockscene slår A Mess leadguitaren an. Hun er med GAFFAs ord ”en fandenivoldsk og tiltrængt røst”-en- kvindehær bevæbnet med elguitar og et arsenal af fængende hooks og catchy melodier. Lyden er lige dele bekymringsfri 90er-barn og nutidig indie med en don’t give a fuck attitude, som hvis The Breeders avlede Snail Mail og overlod opdragelsen til Pussy Riot.
P6 Beat mener man skal lede længe efter en ordentlig rocksang i 2021,
og kalder A Mess en ”sjælden fisk i nettet”, som man skal lytte til!
GAFFA anmelder debut-EPen som” velovervejet, efter tænksomt og stærkt tilrettelagt. Kæmpestort tillykke med en fremragende udgivelse” og kvitterer med 5 stjerner. Debut-EPen 'WOMAN'
er udkommet i oktober 2021 med international og national bevågenhed og har modtaget fremragende anmeldelser fra ind- og udland som Good Because Danish (INT), Pretty in Noise (DE), GFR (DK), We Plug Good Music (UK) og mentions i store medier som Der Spiegel, Nothing But Hope and Passion, MTV Germany og Visions Magazine.
A Mess har flere singler i høj rotation på P6, været på landsdækkende TV i Go’ Aften Danmark, har internationalt airplay
og rotation og optræder i flere podcasts med sin særlige cocktail af musik og markante meninger. Live har A Mess fået 5 stjerner for sin livekoncert på Dexter i Odense i Jan.20
Samtidigt kickstarter A Mess også ’Snapshots of a Wo/Man’–en
kunsthybrid af musiksingler, mini dokumentarer og kønsdebat skabt
sammen med filminstruktør Tor Kolding (Nine Rocks m.m.) og soloartist Tomas Høffding (WhoMadeWho m.m.). A Mess forholder sig skarpt til listepikken, dating, fravalg af børn, venindeskab og fordomme igennem personlige fortællinger.
Dorte Hartmann er bag aliaset A Mess. ’Et rod’ er D o r t e stavet bagfra, et uhøjtideligt virvar af fængende melodier og udadvendte følelser. Live er A Mess et stramt og simpelt duo-set up: sang/elguitar og Silas Lind på trommer.
Entré: 130 kr (inkl. gebyr) i forsalg / 150 kr i døren!