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Daggry Koncert: Chief + CXCX Chu Chu + Bahima + Emily (Reveal Party) // Charity Event

  • Spillestedet Stengade 18 Stengade København, 2200 Denmark (map)

Vi er super glade for at annoncere en støttekoncert til Daggry Fonden! Fire fantastiske acts spiller for at støtte fonden på Spillestedet Stenagde d. 3. december!

Daggry Fonden er en ny organisation med base i København, der har til formål at gøre terapi tilgængelig for mennesker, der har været udsat for seksuelle overgreb og andre former for kønsbestemt vold.

Vi forsøger at rejse midler til at betale for og give adgang til terapi, da vi mener at terapeutisk støtte ikke bør begrænses til dem, der har de økonomiske midler.

Vi er endnu ikke i en økonomisk position til at begynde at gøre terapi tilgængeligt, men vi har flere fundraising-kampagner og arrangementer på vej, som forhåbentlig skulle gøre det muligt for os at begynde mod begyndelsen af 2022.

Dette er et af dem! Vi glæder os til at se dig!

Entré: 105 kr

//////// English //////////

We are excited to announce a concert to raise funds for people who have experienced sexual assault. The funds will go to support Daggry Fonden to pay for therapy.

4 amazing acts will play to support the fund at Spillestedet Stenagde the 3rd of december.

Daggry Fonden is a new organization based in Copnehagen, that aims to make therapy accessible to people who have experienced sexual assault and other forms of gendered violence.

We are trying to raise funds to pay for people’s therapy as we believe that the process of recovery and growth should not be limited to those who have the financial means.

We are not currently in a financial position to begin making therapy accessible, however, we have several fundraising campaigns and events coming up that should hopefully make it possible for us to begin towards the beginning of 2022.

This is one of them!

Tickets will be 100 DKK